
Did you understand the ending of Avangers: Infinity War(2018)?

yeah ! I think it was pretty clear what Thanos was trying to do , so was marvel ! thea queen halloween costume
The Ending of infinity war was what Marvel meant it to be, confusing ! black canary costumes
Thanos with the gaudlet snaps his fingers killing off almost all our favorite heroes, half of the universe along with it !
And after which I assume he was teleported into the soul stone ! The explains why the gaudlet doesn't work and is discoloured ! thea queen cosplay
Nick fury seeing hill, had to go for the big guns and called “Captain Marvel” and disappeared…
Tbh, marvel shot the part one and part two together, but keeping so much characters in a movie is absolutely difficult, and keeping all of the suspense in part one was not Marvel's plan . . .
Hopefully this post can shine some clarity on your question red arrow costumes
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What impact does the success of Infinity Wars have and Marvel as a whole, in the movie industry particularly DC?

Nobody knows! Given the scope of Infinity War and the solid decade of movies required in order to set it up, we won’t see the impact of people variously being inspired by or copycatting Marvel’s success for years and years to come black canary costumes.
I’ll put it this way, The Avengers came out in 2012, and Warner Bros. only had their own crack at the same concept for a movie in late 2017 — and it was a flop, the first DCEU film to actually bomb at the box office. If they intend to approach it again it’ll take them several more years before they can possibly build back up to it. Likewise most other properties taking a stab at Marvel’s “cinematic universe” model have mostly been failing to catch audiences’ attention with the first movie in a series before they can even start moving towards the crossover events they’re presumably designed to work towards thea queen cosplay
In short, the rest of the filmmaking world for the most part hasn’t gotten the firstpart of Marvel’s success right, let alone trying to copy the success of the capstone of a ten-year legacy of movies.
What Marvel does offer a proof of concept for is that there’s a market for the world of a movie to serve as the basis for other movies, giving major IP holders an incentive to expand beyond the usual sense of “tunnel vision” that comes with making sequels — IE, each subsequent movie must always focus on the same character and must always escalate. It’s okay to look at a different set of characters in a different part of the world, and it’s the world and atmosphere that moviegoers like coming back to. For that reason we can have a Star Wars movie that doesn’t focus on a Skywalker, and a Harry Potter movie that doesn’t involve either any of the Potters or Hogwarts green arrow and black canary costumes.
In the long run this is the example that’s more important. Infinity War is simply a big party you get to throw if you do it well and then continue doing it well long enough.
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If you could choose one DC super hero except Superman to fight against Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War, who would you choose?

Adrian Kruger
Simple, Hal Jordan/Green Lantern.
With the powers granted by the Lantern Corps ring, He could will anything he could wants into existence, provided the he has the will to do it.
Provided he could keep that really heavy purple chin guessing, he could wear him down enough to perhaps relieve him of the super special oven glove.
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Where are the cosmic heavyweights, like Dormammu, the Celestials, Eternity and other Elders of the Universe, in Avengers: Infinity War?

I've yet to see Dr. Strange but from my understanding he's stuck in a time loop, as for the Celestials, they've only ever been mentioned once and that was in GOTG by the Collector when explaining the origins of the Infinity Stones. And the Collector himself is the only Elder of the Universe ever shown in the MCU and therefore the only one in existence. As for Eternity, The Living Tribunal, etc as far as The MCU is concerned they don't exist as of right now. black canary costumes

Dormammu swore to leave Earth alone, so I believe that includes helping it (though I don’t think he would ever assist our planet).
The Celestials, Eternity, and Elders of the Universe weren’t really supposed to be involved in the plot so they probably got dusted green arrow and black canary costumes.
Otherwise, the imagination is a wonderful thing.
In the comic books, the cosmic heavyweights do not appear till after Thanos completes the Infinity Gauntlet so we may still see them in Avengers 4 young justice cheshire costume.
Having said that, since the MCU Thanos is seemingly retired and the Infinity Gauntlet is seemingly broken, it may not be necessary for them to interfere.
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What kind or reality would Deadpool create if he had the Infinity Guantlet?

It is hard to say for me because I personally am not a big comic buff but…. Deadpool would probably make an insane reality where everything abides by his rules black canary costumes. Obviously he’d get bored of winning all the time and change it up a little. With a new reality at least he’d get to see lady death by making it to where he can die last guardian costumes. (Lady death is kinda like his crush)
(Let’s hope someone better at comics sees this question and helps you better)


Can we expect anyone other than Thor to use the Stormbreaker in Avengers 4 because we have seen Vision using Mjolnir in Age of Ultron movie?

The Mjolnir had an Odin Enchantment:
“Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of THOR!”
The Stormbreaker is not enchanted by Odin . So anybody can lift it if they want to.
Eitri, the king of the Dwarves forged the storm breaker and also claimed that it can open the bifrost black canary costumes .
Stormbreaker was made so that Thor can actually wield his powers properly because in the case of Mjolnir also , it was used by Thor to focus his power . He is the God of Thunder even without his hammer , as seen in Thor Ragnarok green arrow and black canary costumes.

I would scream with excitement if I get to see a combo of Thor, Captain America and Tony beating up Thanos using Storm Breaker, just like Cap and Bucky did to Tony in Civil War.
Getting goosebumps just about thinking it young justice cheshire costume.
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Does Avengers: Infinity War MCU movie have too many characters? Why or why not?

Yes, just look at the poster.
There is no way to give adequate screen time to all 24 characters in a movie under 3 hours, hence only Thanos got a proper introduction black canary costumes.
Now this is great for an MCU fan like me but new audiences who haven't seen many of the 18 preceeding movies might get lost.
I think Avengers 4 will do a better job of balancing characters given the brilliant ending of Infinity War.
It has nearly every character we’ve seen so far, yet it gives each one time to shine and be a part of the story. All the while allowing Thanos to develop and have some character development injustice 2 joker costumes.
It managed to do the very thing that JL tried and failed so hard to do. Balance a ton of characters and yet introduce a new and meaningful character.
Of course the whole reason it could manage that was because almost all of the characters were already established and developed in other movies.
I’ve seen a number of questions here about what Marvel movies to see before seeing Infinity War. Before seeing it I figured you could get away only seeing a few. Like say Avengers and Black Panther, maybe Guardians of the Galaxy.
But after having seen it, I say that if you really want to appreciate just how good it is, you have to watch all 18. You could maybe skip Iron Man 3… But other then that one, I think you need to have seen them all.
Because Infinity War broke the existing rules. The existing rule was you never assume that the audience seen the previous movies, unless it’s part of a trilogy or something. Like Star Wars or LotR, or even a longer anthology like the Harry Potter movies green arrow and black canary costumes.
IW not only assumed, it pretty much demanded that you know who these people are in order to really understand the movie.
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How will it end, will they win, or will Thanos rule the Universe?

Avengers 4 is likely the final movie of the Avengers series. It will most certaintly answer the questions of millions of viewers that were dumbfounded at the end of Infinity War.
The ending of the movie might be sweet, or bittersweet. But probably not bitter like Infinity War green arrow and black canary costumes.
As for Thanos winning, it is unlikely that he will win 2 movies in a row, so we can expect a swift recovery of our heroes to defeat the titan young justice cheshire cosplay


Would Loki stand a chance against Thanos, if he still had the Chitauri scepter and Thanos only had the power stone

With the mind stone Loki would put up a really good fight against Thanos (considering The Children of Thanos are not participating) black canary costumes. With Loki’s wit he would be able to manipulate Thanos and also his magical illusions will keep Thanos occupied. He might be able take over Thanos’s mind for some time, but considering Thanos has the power stone, mind control will be hard. Being the God of Mischief and always having a trick up his sleeve he would give a headache to Thanos green arrow and black canary costumes.
But Thanos wins anyway I guess.
PS. I really hope the death of Loki was a trickery young justice cheshire costume.
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Instead of destroying half of the universe, why didn’t Thanos increased the resources instead?

In the movie, Thanks speaks to Gamora about the Universe.
How the Universe is finite and the resources in it are finite. To save ourselves from extinction we need to check the population in the Universe green arrow and black canary costumes.
To save every other lifeform. Thanks decides to take matters into his own hand and destroy half of the life in the Universe go and then buy www.cosjj.com.
It's not effective.
Thanos wants balance, he doesn't want to spoon feed the entire universe, he has the belief that from the ashes a Phoenix will rise. And thats how the Universe will start moving forward again.
Also giving resources won't balance The universe, it'd make the rich even more greedy and the poor even poorer, and they'd just end up in the cycle of finite resources once upon a time costumes for halloween. By "killing" half the universe he's also showing that there is no divide with death, and that way the rich and the poor would somewhat be equal to one another and would work and eat equally, and won't have to struggle with the Finite resources
And in that way he's bringing "Balance" to the universe young justice cheshire costume.


Where did the 50% of our beloved heroes go in the Infinity War MCU movie?

That green arrow and black canary costumes all depends on how the infinity gauntlet works, the idea is that it controls everything in existence so in theory thanos can decimate half the universe with the click of his fingers, however thanos himself doesn’t know that this would be the intended outcome, at the end of infinity war when thanos snaps his fingers the gauntlet breaks and burns his arm either implying he cannot use the gauntlet anymore or the power of the infinity stones was too much to bear for the gauntlet, this could mean that the end result is different to what thanos intended black canary costumes; either they are totally dead (literally turned to ashes) at the snap of thanos’ fingers, or they’re not dead completely and in a state of limbo (so their souls are trapped either by the soul stone or some alternate dimension), or the finger snap didn’t kill them but rather transferred them to some other plane of existence like an alternate universe or something else entirely happened to them. Maybe they were meant to be killed but some other force (for example the living tribunal) interfered and saved their souls. we’ll only know for sure in avengers 4 thea queen cosplay


What are the funniest lines from Avengers: Infinity War MCU movie?

Here are some of the funniest lines from Infinity war
  1. Sorry but earth is closed today- Tony Stark young justice cheshire costume
  2. Kick names, take ass- Mantis
  3. Which master do you serve?- doctor strange . What am I supposed to say? Jesus?- Starlord
  4. It’s like an angel had a baby with a pirate.-Drax
  5. You are one sandwich away from fat-Rocket
  6. I see you have copied my beard-Thor
  7. I am groot. -Groot . I am Steve Rogers.-Captain america
  8. Please don't plant eggs in my chest-Spiderman
  9. Listen Ned I need you to cause a distraction. -Spiderman. We’re all gonna die-Ned
  10. It meas get lost squidword- Tony stark black canary costumes
  11. Why was she up there all this time?-okoye
  12. Wong you are invited to my wedding-Iron man
  13. Dude, You’re embarrassing me in front of wizards-Tony Stark
There are many more but these are my top favourite . Comment down other lines which I may have forgot young justice cheshire costume
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What does Avengers 4 need to do after Infinity War MCU movie?

The main objective obviously is to stop thanos. They need to find him and bring him to justice. simple as that black canary costumes
Now due to the ending of infinity war things have changed. Thor is out for revenge, he wants to kill thanos and its possible that other heroes like Black Widow and Captain america also want revenge. Cap himself (along with tony) is gonna be probably grieving over bucky’s death, in fact a lot of avengers are gonna be greiving. This means that the team are at their lowest point so they need to get their act together.
This is where Captain Marvel comes in. Carol Danvers is going to be the one to assemble this group for the final push against Thanos, shes also said to be the strongest hero so its possible that she’ll be the one going face to face with the titan.
But theres more. Whats also important in avengers 4 is how they are going to bring back the 50% dead population. They could do this either by time travel (we’ve seen images of the cast in their original avengers assemble costumes) or by taking the gauntlet back and snapping their fingers to return everything to normal thea queen cosplay.
Thanos however has also changed. He no longer has an objective, he just wants to relax and retire as he said in infinity war, the gauntlet is also fried from the battle so its possible that the infinity gauntlet no longer works or due to thanos’ remorse for killing Gamora he himself is at a mental and physical disadvantage that the avengers have to use against him.
Speaking of gamora, i have a feeling that avengers 4 is going to be the Shakespearean final act for Thanos. He is going to get whats coming to him in avengers 4 whether that be at the hands of Nebula, Thor, Iron Man or even Adam Warlock is anyones guess. But its down to the directors to give Thanos the ending he diserves. Not to mention there would be the question of the gauntlet itself. My guess is captain marvel will destroy the gauntlet but its possible that it may be stolen or returned to the celestial for safe keeping.
Finally whilst many avengers may come back there is still the question of “who’s gonna die”. Cap and Iron man still have the potential to die in Avengers 4 and the question of which one its going to be is still in the air.
As for setting up further MCU films I say we should keep an eye out for anything relating to Secret Invasion, Avengers Dissembled, Young Avengers or House of M. I do not think we will see any X-men or Fantastic 4 in this film green arrow and black canary costumes.
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Why did not American Army/Air Force intervene Thanos' spaceship in Avengers: Infinity War?

Because reasons. US Air Force put Standard Alert back to use post 9/11. They can scramble within five minutes.
There is a base 70 miles off Manhattan injustice 2 joker costumes
Even if the ship remained undetected up until the time Spidey spots it, they should have been there.
The entire incursion might have taken 10-15 minutes, tops. Air Force should, and would be present at least in the last part, when the ship takes off green arrow and black canary costumes.
But you know what? They would be able to do nothing, and it would add five more minutes to a movie already stretching the time. It would look more realistic, but brings nothing to the story and there is not enough time for it. So, they cut it.
The movie is about the Avengers and the Avengers were the world's response to such a threat. To fight when the world cannot young justice cheshire costume.
Besides Thanos literally wiped out half the population with a snap. How long do you think it would have taken him to get rid of the military?
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Is Tony Stark now stuck on Titan?

Tony Stark isn’t stuck. On Titan, there is, at the very least, the Benatar (the ship belonging to the Guardians of the Galaxy— remember it was shown in an establishing shot and Nebula would probably know how to pilot it), Nebula’s Necrocraft (assuming it’s not irreparable), and a few broken Q-Ships. Not to mention a planet covered in broken alien technology. The Benatar has nanotech repair spray similar to what Stark used on his own body, and similar to what his suit is made out out of injustice 2 joker costumes.
If Tony Stark can create a minature arc reactor in a cave with a box of scraps with a bunch of terrorists watching him, getting off Titan with a bunch of futuristic tech alongside someone familiar with alien spacecrafts (again, Nebula is on Titan too, and has spent the last four years stockpiling ships and weapons to kill Thanos with) should be playtime for him black canary costumes.
If for some reason his technological prowess is forgotten, Thor has Stormbreaker, which can teleport people, Bruce Banner knows that Tony Stark stowed away on Ebony Maw’s Q-Ship,and Rocket knows where the other Guardians probably ended up also (any road to Thanos would eventually lead to Titan) so it wouldn’t take much to figure out where Stark ended up.
Dr Stange might have realised that Tony with his intelligence and access to Advanced Alien technology would have more chances of beating Thanos then himself with mighty Time stone.
Tony Stark is exceptionally intelligent. Dr Stange might have realised it when Tony proposed to Attack Thano’s at his place, instead of waiting for Thanos to come and Attack them on Earth for the stone. Plus the the creation of new nano Spider suit and Iron suit might have given him more confidence on Tony Stark young justice cheshire costume
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After the resounding success of Avengers: Infinity War, what should DCEU's next move ideally be?

Studios shouldn’t be reactive. They shouldn’t rush things because Marvel’s getting a payday for a decade of building black canary costumes.
They should be gracious about it. Send congratulations. Actively throw support behind Avengers Infinity War because Marvel’s efforts are sustaining the very audience they hope to reach and a good superhero movie leaves people excited to go back to the theater for the next one thea queen cosplay.
Then, continue to make movies remembering they aren’t competing with Marvel and a rising tide raises all ships once upon a time costumes for halloween

After getting the Stormbreaker weapon, why did Thor teleport to Wakanda directly?

In the beginning of the i.e when thanos and Thor encountered in the Space Ship, Thanos Killed Heimdall and took Space Stone (Tesseract) from Loki. And later choked him to death.
Thanos (to Loki): The Tesseract or your Brothers Head.
Thanos: Find my Children, and tell them to bring remaining Infinity Stones.
And thor knows the Location of Reality Stone (The Collector) and Mind Stone (Vision).
Thor doesn't know much about Thanos and Titan ( his Home).
So, as soon as getting his New Strombreaker, Thor thought he already got his hands on Reality Stone black canary costumes. And he thought he would be either in the Earth or in the Vormir.(the place where Soul Stone exists)
So, he went to Wakanda(along with Groot), in case if Thanos was in the Earth in search of Mind Stone (by the time Thor came) it would be a Great Battle between two.
If u had seen the movie, in the beginning, Thanos asks his children to go to Earth to bring him the Inifnity Stones and says that he will go to another planet, Knowhere thea queen cosplay.
Thor says to The Guardians Of the Galaxy that Thanos is at Knowwhere. Then after Thor goes to Nedavilier(i think thats the wrong name), he does not know where Thanos is right now. So he goes to Earth because he thinks as there are 2 inifnity stones on Earth and its a high chance that Thanos may be there red arrow costumes.
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