
Why did not American Army/Air Force intervene Thanos' spaceship in Avengers: Infinity War?

Because reasons. US Air Force put Standard Alert back to use post 9/11. They can scramble within five minutes.
There is a base 70 miles off Manhattan injustice 2 joker costumes
Even if the ship remained undetected up until the time Spidey spots it, they should have been there.
The entire incursion might have taken 10-15 minutes, tops. Air Force should, and would be present at least in the last part, when the ship takes off green arrow and black canary costumes.
But you know what? They would be able to do nothing, and it would add five more minutes to a movie already stretching the time. It would look more realistic, but brings nothing to the story and there is not enough time for it. So, they cut it.
The movie is about the Avengers and the Avengers were the world's response to such a threat. To fight when the world cannot young justice cheshire costume.
Besides Thanos literally wiped out half the population with a snap. How long do you think it would have taken him to get rid of the military?
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