
Is Tony Stark now stuck on Titan?

Tony Stark isn’t stuck. On Titan, there is, at the very least, the Benatar (the ship belonging to the Guardians of the Galaxy— remember it was shown in an establishing shot and Nebula would probably know how to pilot it), Nebula’s Necrocraft (assuming it’s not irreparable), and a few broken Q-Ships. Not to mention a planet covered in broken alien technology. The Benatar has nanotech repair spray similar to what Stark used on his own body, and similar to what his suit is made out out of injustice 2 joker costumes.
If Tony Stark can create a minature arc reactor in a cave with a box of scraps with a bunch of terrorists watching him, getting off Titan with a bunch of futuristic tech alongside someone familiar with alien spacecrafts (again, Nebula is on Titan too, and has spent the last four years stockpiling ships and weapons to kill Thanos with) should be playtime for him black canary costumes.
If for some reason his technological prowess is forgotten, Thor has Stormbreaker, which can teleport people, Bruce Banner knows that Tony Stark stowed away on Ebony Maw’s Q-Ship,and Rocket knows where the other Guardians probably ended up also (any road to Thanos would eventually lead to Titan) so it wouldn’t take much to figure out where Stark ended up.
Dr Stange might have realised that Tony with his intelligence and access to Advanced Alien technology would have more chances of beating Thanos then himself with mighty Time stone.
Tony Stark is exceptionally intelligent. Dr Stange might have realised it when Tony proposed to Attack Thano’s at his place, instead of waiting for Thanos to come and Attack them on Earth for the stone. Plus the the creation of new nano Spider suit and Iron suit might have given him more confidence on Tony Stark young justice cheshire costume
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