
Instead of destroying half of the universe, why didn’t Thanos increased the resources instead?

In the movie, Thanks speaks to Gamora about the Universe.
How the Universe is finite and the resources in it are finite. To save ourselves from extinction we need to check the population in the Universe green arrow and black canary costumes.
To save every other lifeform. Thanks decides to take matters into his own hand and destroy half of the life in the Universe go and then buy www.cosjj.com.
It's not effective.
Thanos wants balance, he doesn't want to spoon feed the entire universe, he has the belief that from the ashes a Phoenix will rise. And thats how the Universe will start moving forward again.
Also giving resources won't balance The universe, it'd make the rich even more greedy and the poor even poorer, and they'd just end up in the cycle of finite resources once upon a time costumes for halloween. By "killing" half the universe he's also showing that there is no divide with death, and that way the rich and the poor would somewhat be equal to one another and would work and eat equally, and won't have to struggle with the Finite resources
And in that way he's bringing "Balance" to the universe young justice cheshire costume.

