
What does Avengers 4 need to do after Infinity War MCU movie?

The main objective obviously is to stop thanos. They need to find him and bring him to justice. simple as that black canary costumes
Now due to the ending of infinity war things have changed. Thor is out for revenge, he wants to kill thanos and its possible that other heroes like Black Widow and Captain america also want revenge. Cap himself (along with tony) is gonna be probably grieving over bucky’s death, in fact a lot of avengers are gonna be greiving. This means that the team are at their lowest point so they need to get their act together.
This is where Captain Marvel comes in. Carol Danvers is going to be the one to assemble this group for the final push against Thanos, shes also said to be the strongest hero so its possible that she’ll be the one going face to face with the titan.
But theres more. Whats also important in avengers 4 is how they are going to bring back the 50% dead population. They could do this either by time travel (we’ve seen images of the cast in their original avengers assemble costumes) or by taking the gauntlet back and snapping their fingers to return everything to normal thea queen cosplay.
Thanos however has also changed. He no longer has an objective, he just wants to relax and retire as he said in infinity war, the gauntlet is also fried from the battle so its possible that the infinity gauntlet no longer works or due to thanos’ remorse for killing Gamora he himself is at a mental and physical disadvantage that the avengers have to use against him.
Speaking of gamora, i have a feeling that avengers 4 is going to be the Shakespearean final act for Thanos. He is going to get whats coming to him in avengers 4 whether that be at the hands of Nebula, Thor, Iron Man or even Adam Warlock is anyones guess. But its down to the directors to give Thanos the ending he diserves. Not to mention there would be the question of the gauntlet itself. My guess is captain marvel will destroy the gauntlet but its possible that it may be stolen or returned to the celestial for safe keeping.
Finally whilst many avengers may come back there is still the question of “who’s gonna die”. Cap and Iron man still have the potential to die in Avengers 4 and the question of which one its going to be is still in the air.
As for setting up further MCU films I say we should keep an eye out for anything relating to Secret Invasion, Avengers Dissembled, Young Avengers or House of M. I do not think we will see any X-men or Fantastic 4 in this film green arrow and black canary costumes.
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